
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Limbaugh Rushes to Revile Robin Williams

ABC7 News
"He had everything; everything that you would think would make you happy. But it didn't. Now, what is the left's worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it's one of pessimism and darkness, sadness. They're never happy, are they? They're always angry about something. No matter what they get, they're always angry." Direct quote from Rush Limbaugh Tuesday radio show in reference to Robin William’s suicide.

Yes, we leftists do get angry. Angry with pivotal issues that generate from the denial of human and civil rights, genocide, starvation, sex slavery, disease, and poverty. Annoyed with trivial issues like racist, chauvinistic, homophobic, white supremacist radio talk show hosts who net multi-millions bashing blacks, women, gays, and environmentalists. Generally speaking, Rush Limbaugh broadcasts hate. His latest attack on the death of Robin Williams is so far below the belt that he should be called the Andrew Golota of radio talk show hosts. Only Limbaugh would use a personal tragedy to further his hatred of liberalism.

Depression is an insidious, debilitating illness. There is no room for jabs, jokes, or condescending remarks regarding this condition. 80% of those suffering from clinical depression are not receiving treatment. Research shows a strong link between suicide and depression, with 90% of the people who die by suicide having an existing mental illness.

My aunt suffered in silence with depression. She was close to, and loved, by her children and family, yet her suicide blind-sided us all. She never spoke of depression or her inability to cope with life, not everyone will “cry for help.” Depression is an all-consuming disorder that many are embarrassed to talk about or confront. It does not display physical symptoms like cancer or heart disease and is often a burden shouldered solely by the sufferer. Their mental distress is so painful that, if left untreated, suicide appears to be the only viable option for relief.

I know I should disregard Limbaugh’s remarks as those coming from a caustic bloated gasbag, but when he viciously maligns a person after death, equates suicide to a political viewpoint, and mocks a serious health concern to raise his ratings, it does anger this leftist. It is ignorant comments like his that fuel misconceptions surrounding mental illness. Fame and fortune do not prevent or cure depression and to suggest that a person who has it all has no right to be depressed is exactly the stigma that discourages some people from seeking help.

Depression and despair go hand-in-hand. Suicide statistics on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation are staggering – more than twice the national rate, with teen suicide 4 times higher than the national average for this age group. These teens have not had a chance to form political opinions or align themselves with conservatism or liberalism. They receive substandard medical care provided by overworked, underfunded, and minimally staffed medical facilities. The infant mortality rate is the highest on the continent, diabetes and tuberculosis are both 800% higher than the national average, and more than half the reservation’s residents suffer from alcoholism. With these diseases taking precedence, little is done to diagnose and treat depression.

But Rush Limbaugh is not concerned about diseases on the reservations. He wrote in his book, “I don't give a hoot if he (Columbus) gave some Indians a disease that they didn't have an immunity against."

This man has no filter, no sensitivity monitor, and sadly, no human decency. His comments on Williams death are malicious and cruel to all who battle depression and to the families who have lost a loved one to suicide.

As the character, Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams, Williams said, "You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome. "